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Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

Dealing with Scale and its Symptoms

With scale being a prominent issue for the Optima Steamer, it is likely that you will deal with a scale-related issue at some point.  The following section covers some of the common scale issues, and how to deal with them.

Depending on the model that you are working on, there can be differing error codes/lights that are indicated in the corresponding operators manual for the machine.

Issue 1: “Dirty” Sensors (Most Common)

Scale can cover the surface of the water probe sensors and the electronic signal that passes through the water cannot be transmitted.


Clean the High, Low and Common* Water Probe Sensors. 
Video tutorial below.

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

1. Let the unit cool down (if hot)

2. Completely drain the Boiler Vessel by opening the Drain Valve and the Steam Outlet Valves (can take up to 20 minutes.
***If not drained completely, you may get burned by boiling water when removing the probes***)

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

3. Remove top cover of unit (DMF or EST)

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

4. Disconnect wires to Water Probe Sensors and remove foam insulation from probe

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

5. Using a 14mm deep-socket wrench (included with new machines), carefully unscrew the Water Probe Sensors

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

6. Carefully inspect and clean the probe tips with sandpaper or steel wool so that no scale or film cover the probe tips.

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

7. Clean and re-wrap the threads of each probe 7 times. ***If threads are not properly wrapped, the Boiler Vessel may not be sealed and will leak steam/water during use which can damage the machine or cause physical harm***

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

8. Carefully screw the probes back into the Boiler Vessel. Make sure the probes are tight but DO NOT TO OVERTIGHTEN. ***Damaging the threading on the Boiler Vessel can result in permanent damage requiring the entire Boiler to be replaced (a part that can cost up to $1500 USD)***

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

9. Reattach the probe sensor wires: Blue Wire on the TOP High Water Probe Sensor / Brown Wire on the BOTTOM Low Water Probe Sensor (Green on the middle Common Sensor)

Optima Descaling Procedure: All Models, All Years

10. Replace covers and follow startup instruction in manual.

Video Tutorial

How To Clean Water Probe Sensors – Tutorial


Descale the Optima Steamer.


Replace Water Probe Sensor(s) and/or Wiring if damaged.

If cleaning and descaling does not resolve the alarm code, you may need to replace 1 or all of the water probe sensors (70175) and the wiring from/to the sensors.

Issue 2: Scale coating or clogging other components of the Optima


Descale the Optima Steamer if applicable. Damaged parts such as depicted heater must be replaced.


Replace parts if descaling does not fix the issue.